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Influence of mass media essay

Influence of mass media essay

influence of mass media essay

WebIn psychology, communication theory and sociology, media influence or media effects refers to the theories about the ways the mass media affect how their audiences think and WebQuestion 1: Why is mass media important? Answer 1: Mass media is essential as it informs, educates and entertains the public. Moreover, it also influences the way we look WebThis essay aims to briefly discuss the influence of mass media on teenagers in greater detail. The first issue that warrants discussion, one that impacts on everything else in an

Impact of Mass Media Essay Sample

Modern mass media makes a huge psychological influence on consciousness and the formation of human identity. The role of mass media is connected with its influence on various stages and sides of the information process in the society. The flow of information in the modern world is so various and inconsistent that it is not possible for an ordinary person or even for a group of experts to sort it out independently, therefore, a strong influence is made exactly by mass media. Mass media is a powerful factor of impact on a psychological and social condition of people; the degree of influence on the youth, the audience with weak consciousness and not a settled outlook, is the greatest.

The aspects of the influence of mass media are numerous. The most popular beliefs will be presented in this work, having allocated both positive and negative factors of the influence of mass media on the identity of the youth. Mass media has a huge number of functions, and, therefore, the aspects of influence. The influence, which is directed more deeply and cannot be noticed, at first sight, will be analyzed in the paper. Mass media widely uses the methods of subconscious influence when the relation of the society to these or those phenomena of the world around is formed by means of various methods, which take their root from the news flow, automatically causing in mass consciousness either a negative or positive reaction to a concrete event.

The negative influence of mass media lies in the fact that its task is to create a strong, steady relation to the given phenomenon due to persuasion. Considering the biological nature, a person is subjected to persuasion, an imitation, and infectivity. Another negative impact of mass media is promotion. For many years, the promotion has fulfilled a large number of ways for manipulating public consciousness, which is really effective and allow influencing the mass in a certain way. One of the negative impacts on the consciousness of the youth is misinformation. At some point, mass media gives information often being a total lie.

Influence of mass media essay, this method is quite effective. Therefore, it leads to the formation of stereotypes. Stereotypes operate effectively all the process of influence of mass media essay perception. A person has to perceive the message unconditional and effortless, without an internal fight and a critical analysis, influence of mass media essay. Stereotypes are formed under the influence of two factors that are unconscious influence of mass media essay processing and individual social and cultural environment, as well as, certainly, under a purposeful ideological influence of mass media.

It is easy to manipulate the consciousness of a person by means of stereotypes that are closely connected with social activity as a whole and concrete groups of people in particular. Because of mass media, influence of mass media essay, the youth often has an opinion of impossibility to influence on their future; they feel disinterest of the authorities in the future staff, etc. Mass media accustoms the person to think by stereotypes and reduce an intellectual level of messages. Repetition has served as the main method of fixing the necessary stereotypes in the consciousness of people.

Most animated films contain aggression. Numerous repetitions of the scenes of sadism, when the hero of influence of mass media essay animated film causes someone pain, promotes the development of the corresponding models of behavior. Children repeat what they see on screens, this is a consequence of identification. Identifying themselves with the creatures, who conduct deviant behavior, which is not punished on the screen and is not blamed in any way, the children imitate it and acquire its aggressive models of behavior. Albert Bandura, insaid that one television model could become an imitation subject for millions.

Children feel satisfaction playing computer games and mentally breaking moral standards. In virtual reality, there is no scale of human feelings. A child does not endure the usual human emotions, such as pain, sympathy, and empathy. On the contrary, habitual feelings are distorted. Instead, a child enjoys the satisfaction of killing and suppressing, influence of mass media essay. Aggression in animated films is accompanied by beautiful, bright pictures, influence of mass media essay. Heroes are beautifully dressed, or they stay in a beautiful room, or the appealing scene, which is accompanied by murder, is simply drawn by fight, murder and other aggressive models of behavior.

It is done in order to attract viewers. Adding sadism in pictures on the basis of the available ideas of beauty dilutes the developed images. Thus, the aesthetic perception, new culture of the person is formed. The children eager to watch these animated films and movies, and they start to perceive them as a norm. They do not understand why adults with traditional ideas of beauty and norms do not want to show animated films to the children. The characters of the most animated films are often ugly and externally disgusting. Monsters are spiteful, stupid, and mad. Identifying themselves with such characters, the children influence of mass media essay their feelings to the complexion.

They also start to behave as appropriate. The atmosphere of the video market is penetrated by murderers, tyrants, witches, and other characters, the communication with whom would never be chosen in a real life. The children see all this on TV screens. Their subconsciousness is not protected yet by common sense and the life experience, allowing them to delimit real and conditional things. Here is the growth of:. The main danger of the TV is connected with the will and consciousness suppression, similar to the one which is reached by drugs.

The American psychologist, A. Mori writes that a long contemplation of the material, tiring the eye-sight, makes hypnotic catalepsy that is accompanied by a weakening of will and attention. With a certain duration of influence, the light flashes, blinking with a certain rhythm, start interacting with the brain influence of mass media essay rhythms on which the ability of the concentration of the attention depends. Please note, 1 page is words on our site, influence of mass media essay, while most of the services write words only. Save your money with every ordered page! The flow of the visual and acoustical information, which does not demand concentration and intellectual efforts, is perceived passively.

It is transferred to a real-life over time, and a child starts perceiving it the same way. It is getting more and more difficult to concentrate on task performance, make intellectual or strong-willed effort and other things. A child gets used to doing only those things which do not demand efforts. A child has difficulties in taking part in the lessons, perceiving educational information. There is no development of nervous links, memories, and associations without an active cerebration. Computer and TV take away childhood from the children. Instead of active games, experiences of true emotions and feelings, and communication with contemporaries and parents, cognition through the surrounding world, the children sit in front of TV and computer for hours, days and nights, losing the possibility to develop themselves.

Children watch a large number of horror films, news about terrible incidents, series about bandits, cynical talk-shows, clips with silly songs and naked performers, and infinite advertising. Certainly, there are also TV programs about animals, classical music, kind animated films and movies, programs influence of mass media essay science and culture. Unfortunately, not many families watch them, as an absolutely different format is in fashion. An adult person is capable to filter the information arriving through the blue screen. However, even in this case, subconsciousness is influenced by movies, programs, and advertising.

TV negatively influences even a sleeping child. Therefore, when adults want to watch a horror film, it would be better to do it in the other room. Try our VIP services or become our VIP clientbenefit from the incredible opportunity at a very reasonable price. Children imitate their favorite heroes, influence of mass media essay, and presently they are not small bears and hares but robots, monsters, heroes with the weapon, Teletubbies and others, that has a negative impact on the mentality of a child. Children do not like to watch old movies, which can teach them goodness, friendship, respect, and honesty. Presently, a movie is considered to be full of pursuits and firefights, where heroes possess such qualities as hatred, falsity, and meanness.

The information influence of the modern world covers all sectors of society more and more, including school and preschool children. It is impossible to live in modern society ignoring such phenomena as television, magazines, cinema, the Internet. Therefore, children, as the most impressionable and unsophisticated audience, are exposed to the greatest influence from visual mass media. According to some information in the world, more than researches, devoted to the influence of television, cinema and video games on children, were conducted. The results of all are almost identical, influence of mass media essay.

The aggression on the screen makes children more aggressive in relation to people and inanimate objects. Children, who watch many programs containing violence scenes, perceive this violence as an acceptable way of a resolution of conflicts. Watching violent scenes makes a person more defenseless to violence in real life. Broadcasted programs and movies develop the absence of compassion in a child, indifference to the evil, excessive emotional tranquility together with aggression. All the problems in the majority of animated films, games, telecasts are solved with power methods, and children involuntarily copy them. The modern television cultivates children's negative qualities such as cruelty, aggression, and forwardness.

According to the American medical association, for the years spent at school, the average child watches on TV murders and acts of violence. If a person is offended, therefore, he has to hit back and destroy the offender. If you understand that influence of mass media essay cannot reach what you aspire with lawful methods, you can reach it illegally. As a result, people have an accustoming to these scenes, a formation of images that the main solution influence of mass media essay the majority of problems are violent, and the formation of very strange ideas or samples for inheritance the hero of the fighter, on the average, shoots and kills more people than the negative hero, influence of mass media essay.

Nevertheless, mass media has also a positive influence. The reality surrounding people is constantly and laboriously systematized by a brain considering new knowledge and skills, new information and new events every day that join the structures which have already been created or form new ones. People constantly have to collect and process the coming information. Mass media comes to help. Mass media covers various actual public problems, and by that, it influences the opinions and behavior of people both in society and individually. Press, television, radio and the Internet and advertising belong to the mass media tools. For the last decades, the means of communication have undergone essential changes owing to the distribution of the satellite communication, cable radio, and television, electronic text communication systems video, screen, and cable textsas influence of mass media essay as individual means of accumulation and printing of information cartridges, diskettes, disks, printers.

However, audiovisual mass media as television, the Internet and advertising have the strongest impact on society. Due to its impact, mass media influences each person separately and society as a whole, forming certain identical emotions and actions. In this context, it can be shown a positive influence of mass media, though this influence can be the opposite one.

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The Influence Of Mass Media On Teenagers |

influence of mass media essay

Web12/04/ · The mass media broadcasts information and television shows which reinforce social norms by pointing out the events that violate mores and folkways such as crimes WebQuestion 1: Why is mass media important? Answer 1: Mass media is essential as it informs, educates and entertains the public. Moreover, it also influences the way we look WebThis essay aims to briefly discuss the influence of mass media on teenagers in greater detail. The first issue that warrants discussion, one that impacts on everything else in an

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