Sunday 4 December 2022

Essay on house on fire

Essay on house on fire

essay on house on fire

Web26/05/ · Short Essay | Paragraph on A House on Fire ( to words) It was the month of April. I was having a sound sleep. Suddenly cries of Fire! Fire! woke me up. Web23/06/ · A House on fire I have often heard that smoking is injurious to health. It was, however, last Sunday that I realized that it could destroy a whole house and endanger WebEssay on The House is on Fire lived in her early childhood. She has been educated and persuaded into more liberal ways of thinking than the “simple” life that her sister and

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House On Fire Essay — Introduction: Fire is one of the following elements of the universe namely the earth, water, air, and other. Fire is useful to us in our day to day life to cook food, burn bricks, melt leads and pitches, to run mills and factories. But one-hour unguarded moment fire can cause untold suffering by burning life and property into ashes. is fire by a heavy collision or rubbing a piece of stone with another. Men used to eat uncooked food before the invention of fire. So fire discovery. marked the beginning and developing of civilization and industry. Now life cannot be imagined without fire. The fire appears in various forms. The sun is a force and energy. Without fire, the whole creation and modern civilization remain to a grinding halt.

Fire-double edged sword: Fire is like a double-edged sword. It is an obedient servant but a disobedient bad master. It can serve us in our day to day life like an obedient and a tireless servant if it is handled carefully. But it is not used wisely and carefully it may result in doom and disaster as many fire accidents have proved. It is a blessing and a curse as well. Damages caused by fire are really huge and irreparable. House on fire: One day I saw a big house while I was returning with my friend from visiting another friend. I failed to resist the temptation for a while to see the burning fire consuming whatever it could.

Seeing this tragic fire many men from the surroundings ran towards the house with buckets full of water, wet quilts, baskets of sand and fire putting out elements. The whole house was engulfed in thick columns of smoke and high flames. They went on pouring buckets of water on the flames and fire, others were throwing sands and dust but the fire kept on Increasing with the heavy blow of wind. Conditions of fire: Most houses were thatched made. Some houses were fenced with wood, tin and walled of bricks but they were roofed with straw, hay, golpata, and weeds. The burning fire assumed the appearance of the monster and spread unbearable heat around it. The monster or fire god seemed to be essay on house on fire heavy fireballs towards those who were striving to put out the fire or bring the fire under control.

It was really risky to put out the fire. Meanwhile, the fire brigade essay on house on fire appeared and poured water heavily on and around the fire with the help of heavy tubes and pipes. They fought bravely to control fire and flames. A fireman also sustained some severe burns and got his legs burnt. Damages caused by fire: The putting out of fire took more than half an hour. No belongings of the house owner escaped from this monstrous fire. The entire house was burnt into ashes. The gluttony and cruel fire left nothing unburnt.

Luckily no men and domestic animals were burnt or killed by this serious fire accident. Causes: Later, essay on house on fire, it was found that the fire was caused by short-circuiting in one of the shops near the burnt house. There were some combustible materials at the point of the short circuit and it soon turned the shop into a conflagration which ultimately engulfed the entire house. Conclusion: Fire burnt the entire house and the belongings were in the essay on house on fire. I came back to my house after the cruel fire had been put off. This is my personal Blog. I love to play with Web. Blogging, Web design, Learning, traveling and helping others are my passion. This blog is the place where I write anything whatever comes to my mind.

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Essay on A House on Fire in English -- Paragraph on A House on Fire in English --

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Essay on A House on Fire in English For Students & Children

essay on house on fire

WebHouse On Fire Essay – Introduction: Fire is one of the following elements of the universe namely the earth, water, air, and other. Fire is useful to us in our day to day life to cook Web13/11/ · Download descriptive essay house on fire The House on Fire That cold night of December had left behind a memory which will stay in my mind for a never Web22/11/ · A HOUSE ON FIRE It was the month of October. The weather was delightfully cool. I was sleeping soundly. All of sudden, I was disturbed in my sleep by loud cries of

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